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MSDS Available: | Click to Order Product ID: 22340LIQUID CHLORINE SANITIZER
Stock item. 98% same or next day; otherwise 2-4 day local access.
DESCRIPTION: An effective sanitizer and bleaching
compound for a wide variety of applications. It provides
an easy and economical way of cleaning and removing
stains without scratching porcelain finishes.
DIRECTIONS: When used as a sanitizer 200 p.p.m. is
normally required.
For mold control use at 1000 p.p.m.. Used in
low temperature dishwashing machines limit available
chlorine to 50-100 p.p.m..
Available Chlorine: Use Dilution:
50 p.p.m. 10 ml/10 L of water
100 p.p.m. 20 ml/10 L of water
200 p.p.m. 40 ml/10 L of water
1000 p.p.m. 200 ml/10 L of water
CAUTION: Do not mix with acids (toilet bowl cleaners,
vinegar, etc.) or ammonia.